The plot thickens…

Did it set myself up or am I clairvoyant? Not only was my daughter up at 4 AM this morning but my dog seemed to have eaten some sort of paper product, peas, corn and some other stuff that was partially digested and could not be identified. The dog was pacing all night long with intermittent pauses to purge his system (there is nothing like the sound of a dog purging to inhibit REM sleep). Obviously the dog mess needed to be cleaned up but it gets worse, when I looked out into the back yard I noticed that approximately ten thousand gallons of water was missing from my pool. The only good answer here is that my neighbors house burnt down in the middle of the night and the fire department needed to pump from my pool to fight the fire, unfortunately for me this was not the case. Rather when setting up the pool last night I managed to shut off all of the returns which caused a pipe on the filter to blow out, so instead of cleaning my pool last night I pumped ten thousand gallons of water into my back yard. I wonder how this day is going to turn out?


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