Week 2 complete…

Well, we just wrapped up week 2 of "The Evolution of Disaster Recovery" seminar series, this week we visited Washington DC, NY and Boston.? The week was topped of by the what I would call the best seminar thus far in Boston with good attendee interaction and some of the best questions we have seen to date, west coast there is still time to nudge out Boston for best seminar.? I think we are putting together some great questions from all the seminars and I am really excited to publish the podcast sometime in September.? Next week we wrap-up on the west coast with a stop in LA, Orange County and San Diego, I am looking forward to a capacity crowd. The highlight of the show thus far for me was a comment we received on one of the comment cards which read "It was really nice to attend a seminar where the presenters knew the material so well".? Hopefully you have been happy with the content and walked away with some valuable insight.? We are reading every single comment card? and next quarter we will be looking to improve the material and format based on them.? Thanks again for attending!


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