“blogsphere” – Part 1

After an exhausting 5 weeks on the road I took the opportunity this weekend to relax, read and recharge. I finished a book my wife gave to me for my birthday entitled “Naked Conversations” by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. For those of you who don’t know Rober Scoble he is the author of http://scobleizer.wordpress.com/. Robert was one of the early bloggers at Microsoft and his blog continues to be one of the most popular on the web.

The book provided tons of great tips on how to publicize blogs. Because there are some many ways to build blog awareness I thought I would cover a different topic in a multi-part blog series. Last night I setup feedburner, I am hoping that this will drive increased traffic to my site.

Feedburner provides some great tools:

Republish feeds as html pages:

Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GotItSolutions”>
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Add a feed banner to your e-mail signature:

Got IT Solutions

PingShot which notifies popular blog rating services when you publish.

Email Subscriptions:

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FeedCount which displays the number of subscribed users:

I am really excited about this, in the last six hours I have added 8 subscribers but only time will tell how effective this actually is. I recommend checkingin it out.


For those of you who are using WordPress, I highly recommend the feedburner plugin.


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