Is the CAS game changing?

I have been quite for a while, but I have been working behind the scenes on some pretty cool stuff which should him my blog in the coming weeks.  Some good videos and a white paper or two.  In the meantime, I thought I would offer up some conjecture on the HDS’s acquisition of Archivas.

On February 6th, 2007 HDS (Hitachi Data Systems) announced plans to acquire Archivas, a move which could potentially change CAS (Content Addressable Storage) game.  To date EMC with the Centera platform has run away from the archiving pack with an API and platform based CAS (Content Addressable Storage) approach that they acquired from Belgium based Filepool for $50 million in April 2001.  Long-term archiving is more mainstream than every before and the open Archivas ArC solution may be well suited for integration into the HDS TagmaStor (read more about TagmaStor) as a feature rather than an independent platform.  EMC announced a while ago tiered storage in the same frame by leveraging Fibre Channel and LC-FC (Low Cost Fibre Channel) drives in the DMX platform.  The acquisition of Archivas may provide the ability for HDS to integrate CAS into thier mainstream Thunder and Lightning storage platforms.

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