The prodical blogger returns….

So today marks exactly one month without a single blog entry.  It has been a busy month.  March is the last month of the fiscal year, that coupled with the fact that I spent the past 3 months kicking off a new initiative has really put a dent in  my blogging time.  I hope to turn some of the work I have been doing in the past three months into some cool blog entries.

I am in the midst of finishing up a a lab build out so hopefully I can begin to do some of things I had planned to do in prior months.  On a side note I am finishing up rebuilding my home desktop as well.  Just installed kubuntu and have everything working right now with the exception of the VPN but I am sure I will get it working shortly, just installed pppd and pptpd so once I finish this post I am going to do a quick reboot since /etc/init.d/pppd start and /etc/init.d/pptpd start did not seem to solve the problem I am having.  I appears the kvpnc does not think that the ppp and pptp daemons are running.  I have to say I am pretty impressed with the edgy release of kubuntu.   I have always been a fan of the kde desktop but so many distros modify it so heavily that I had moved away to gnome.  Seems the kubuntu folks did a pretty good job.  Only one change thus far, stopped using kaffeine in favor of kmplayer.  Few minor preference changes like installation of FireFox, KOffice, Gaim, etc… for the most part the distro seems very strong.

Also recommend getting Automatix2 to facilitate the install of mplayer and codecs.

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