Sharing the Windows Console

Ever have the need to share a Windows Remote Desktop session? Of course you have, WebEx, LogMeIn, GoToMyPC and other Web based collaboration suites are quite popular for this purpose. What many don’t know is that Windows Terminal Services actually has some functionality built-in to enable this. Here is how a user can “shadow” a console session being controlled by another user:

  • The primary user opens a remote console session [START->RUN->] the following command:
    • mstsc -v:servername /F -console
      • This opens a remote desktop session console session to a specified servername in full screen mode
  • The second user opens a remote session [START->RUN->] the following command:
    • mstsc -v:servername /F
      • This opens a remote desktop session to a specified servername in full screen mode
    • Next open a command window
      • START->RUN->cmd.exe
      • type “shadow 0” (omit the quotes)

This will prompt the primary user stating that you would like to connect to their console session, once they accept the connection you will be sharing the same session. For more information refer to this ( Microsoft knowledge base article.

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