Recent Email

I recently sent an internal Email with some of my favorite educational (technology centric) web links.  Here is a copy for your enjoyment.

Looking for good reading material, here are my suggestions:

If you like the content that Storage magazine has to offer save a tree and look at this online publications from Tech Target:

If you want to absorb the most content in the shortest amount of time I highly recommend Podcasts….  These are a few of my favorites:

Other great online resources:

How to increase you computer aptitude – Must watch documentaries (all can be downloaded to your iPod)!

Understand the Open Source movement:

Hacker sub-culture:

A site the deserves its own category:


o One of favorites –

Professional Societies:

I recently sent an internal Email with some of my favorite educational (technology centric) web links.  Here is a copy for your enjoyment.

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